Making a dependent (cascading) drop down list in Excel
The tutorial demonstrates how to create cascading drop down lists in Excel that display choices depending on the value selected in a previous dropdown. Continue reading
The tutorial demonstrates how to create cascading drop down lists in Excel that display choices depending on the value selected in a previous dropdown. Continue reading
Excel is good at organizing and analyzing complex data. One of its most useful features is the ability to create dropdown lists, which allow selecting an item from a pre-defined list. Continue reading
In this article, we will explore various methods to insert columns in Excel, ranging from simple right-click options to VBA macro for adding every other column automatically. Whether you need to add more data to your report, rearrange existing columns … Continue reading
The tutorial explains how you can quickly cope with VLOOKUP not working problems in Excel, troubleshoot and fix common errors and overcome VLOOKUP's limitations. Continue reading
This article lists several ways to delete rows in Excel based on a cell value. In this post you'll find hotkeys as well as Excel VBA. Delete rows automatically or use the standard Sort and Find options in combination with helpful shortcuts. Continue reading
The tutorial explains how to make Excel VLOOKUP case-sensitive, demonstrates a few other formulas that can look up case in Excel and points out strengths and limitations of each function. Continue reading
This tutorial demonstrates the key strengths of Excel's INDEX / MATCH function that make it superior to VLOOKUP. You will find a number of formula examples that will help you easily cope with many complex tasks when VLOOKUP fails. Continue reading
Invest a few minutes and learn how to correctly use relative and absolute cell references in Excel conditional formatting rules. This knowledge will certainly save you far more time in the long run. Continue reading
The possibility to hide columns in Excel is really helpful as there may be lots of reasons for keeping certain details from showing. Continue reading
In this tutorial, you will find a handful of advanced formula examples that demonstrate how to use Excel's VLOOKUP and SUM or SUMIF functions to look up and sum values based on one or several criteria. Continue reading
From this article, you'll learn how to unhide columns in Excel 2016 - 2007. It will teach you to show all hidden columns or just the ones you select. Grab a special macro to unhide all columns in Excel automatically each time you open a worksheet and find out how to protect the hidden columns from being displayed. Continue reading
In this VLOOKUP tutorial, you will find a number of advanced formula examples that demonstrate how to look up with multiple criteria, use two VLOOKUP functions in one formula, dynamically pull data from different sheets, and more. Continue reading
This article looks at creating basic graphs and at a special chart type – the Waterfall chart in Excel. Read on to find out what a waterfall chart is and when you can find it useful. You'll learn what tools can help you with creating waterfall charts in Excel 2016, 2013. Continue reading
This article explains page numbering in Excel 2019, 2016, 2013 and lower. Find out how to insert page numbers in Excel if your workbook contains one or multiple worksheets, how to set a custom number for the starting sheet or delete number watermarks added incorrectly. Continue reading
This VLOOKUP tutorial explains the syntax and provides a number of examples that illustrate the most common usages of the VLOOKUP function in Excel. Continue reading
The Excel page break option helps you see where page breaks will appear when your worksheet is printed. In this article I'll show you several ways to insert them manually or by condition. You'll also learn how to remove page breaks in Excel 2016 - 2010, where to find the Page Break Preview, hide and show the marking lines. Continue reading
The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel. You will find a number of examples for different data types – numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and more. Continue reading
This post describes how to rotate a chart in Excel 2016-2010. You'll learn different ways to spin bar, column, pie and line charts including their 3-D variations. Besides, you'll see how to reverse the plotting order of values, categories, series and legend. Those who often print graphs and charts will read how to adjust the sheet orientation for printing. Continue reading
The article explains Excel COUNTIF function, provides a number of examples and warns about possible quirks when using COUNTIF with multiple criteria and specific types of cells. Continue reading
If your task is to get Excel count blank cells in your worksheet, read this article to find 3 ways to accomplish it. Learn how to search and select empty cells with the Go to Special option, use Find and Replace to count blanks or enter a formula in Excel 2010-2013. Continue reading
This articles looks at the ways to count non-blank cells in Excel 2010-2013. Below you'll find 3 methods for counting non-blanks: see the number on the Excel Status bar, employ the Find and Replace dialog or use a special formula. Continue reading
See how to apply Excel conditional formatting to dates. Learn how to use formulas to highlight weekends and holidays, format cells when a value is changed to a date, shade upcoming dates and delays, conditionally format dates based on the current date, and more. Continue reading
How to print comments in Excel 2016-2010 in several clicks. Get cell notes to paper as displayed on your table or print them at the end of the page. Continue reading
Inserting rows in Excel is a routine task that many users encounter daily. While adding a single row is relatively simple, inserting multiple rows in the right places can sometimes be a challenge. Continue reading
This tutorial explains how to use Excel formulas to format cells and entire rows based on the values you specify or based on another cell's value, and provides a handful of formula examples. Continue reading
Assuming you already know the basics of Excel conditional formatting, let's move on and see what options you have with regard to icon sets and how you can leverage them in your projects. Continue reading
This post looks at the AutoFill Excel feature. You will learn how to fill down series of numbers, dates and other data, create and use custom lists in Excel. This article also lets you make sure you know everything about the fill handle, cause you may be surprised how powerful this tiny option is. Continue reading
Excel conditional formatting is a really powerful feature when it comes to applying different formats to data that meets certain conditions. It can help you highlight the most important information in your spreadsheets and spot variances of cell values with a quick glance. Continue reading
Do you want to protect your workbooks from unexpected computer crashes or power failures? This article explains how to recover unsaved files and restore previous versions of your workbook in Excel 2016 - 2010. You'll also learn different ways of file backup to your PC and to the cloud storage. Continue reading
See how you can quickly make a simple Gantt chart in Excel, where you can download advanced Excel Gantt chart templates or utilize the online Project Management Gantt Chart generator. Continue reading